Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day.

Well this will be the last Christmas with just the 5 of us.  God has been so to us on our long journey to get Hope in China-  We will be contacting Faith International Adoption Agency on Monday to start travel arrangements,  We are hoping that we only will be gone 10 days siince we are not planning to tour this time.  However, we know this is in God's hands.  Athough we will be away from family and friends her in the states we know that the time with Hope kim and I is vital to the bonding process.  Please keep us in your prayers as we fullfill part of the vision God has given to our family.  The other day I was asked Why we adopt since this will be our 4rth.  I probably could have given a better answer but was thrown alittle off guard because it just who we are and we do- But the next time would be- Why wouldn't we?  I mean God tells us to take care of the widows and orphans right?  Until next time- Tim

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